The Outsiders Wiki
"Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold."
— Johnny's last words in The Outsiders, page 148


"Johnny was smaller than the rest, with a slight build. He had big black eyes in a dark tanned face; his hair was jet-black and heavily greased and combed to the side, but it was so long that it feel in shaggy bangs across his forehead. He had a nervous, suspicious look in his eyes. Another thing was that he tended to be compared to a "kicked puppy". "[3]


Johnny is very quiet, not getting in the way so very often and he is very shy when talked to. Whenever a fight starts, he is always trying to stay out of the way, but when Ponyboy ends up nearly getting killed by the Socs, he doesn't hesitate to save his friend from near death.

References and Citiations

  1. Revealed by S.E Hinton
  2. Revealed in The Outsiders, page 148
  3. Revealed in The Outsiders, page 11